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School Clubs and Music Lessons

Music Lessons

We offer a wide selection of music lessons which are taught within the school. Music lessons are booked through the school office and are organised by North Somerset Music Department for children in year 3 and above, ensuring that every child has an opportunity to learn a musical instrument. 

Lessons available are:-  Violin, viola, cello/bass, bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, recorder, saxophone, trumpet, keyboard, piano, guitar or singing.

There are usually 33 weeks of music lessons per year set out over terms 1-6 and these lessons are approximately 20 minutes long.  The school will advise parents by e-mail each term the dates of lessons, the cost of tuition and how to make payment.


The music service can provide an instrument loan service with discounts for those on low incomes and you should advise the school if you wish to use this service.

The service offers high quality and value for money musical opportunities to provide enhanced provision and activities for all of our children.