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Maple Class

Welcome to Reception’s Class Page!

We are excited for the new school year. Visit again soon to find out more about our learning for the term ahead and some of the exciting wow moments that we have planned.

Our class teacher is Mrs Allan.

When we start school in September, we spend time getting to know each other, our school and new routines. Our teachers spend quality time doing this so that we feel safe, secure and ready to learn.

In our class, we love books and base most of our learning around them. We use both our indoor and outdoor spaces to for exploratory learning, and enjoy a variety of activities. Our teacher leads some of these activities, like phonics, writing and maths with all of us together or in small groups, and we lead some of these activities, following our own interests. We have so much fun!

We love to go on a welly walk, exploring the fields that surround our school. Our families love joining us for this community event.